Why dehSkills HRDF | HRDC | HRD Corp Training Provider
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“Look for 100% Fully Claimable HRDF | HRD Corp Courses here, we welcome all the HRDF | HRD Corp contributors and HRDF | HRD Corp TTT Instructors”
Mr Nang, Co-Founder
WHO WE ARE : dehSkills - HRDF | HRD Corp Training Provider Portal
HRDF Registered Training Provider refers to the company or organisation that acts as a Training Vendor to HRDF Registered Employers. In general, HRDF registered employers are allowed to make claims by attending trainings conducted by HRDF Registered Training Providers.
HRDF Claimable Portal courses are designed to give students the skills and knowledge to succeed in a field they are passionate about. All courses include detailed business training as well as projects that are reviewed by a professional in the field so that you are prepared to earn money upon graduation. Earn your HRDF certificate as well as one of several industry certifications and go on to start your own business or get hired by a top employer. We are a top HRDF Claimable Portal course. Learn more about us at HRDF Training dot com.
Owns a permanent office
Must have 60++ full time local HRDF trainer.
Company’s/Association’s business nature must be included under “Training or Consultancy Services”
The Training Provider’s Integrity Pledge form is needed to be signed by the owner or the director of the company and endorsed with company’s official stamp. This form need to be scan and upload into online application – Corporate Integrity Pledge (CIP)’s section.