

The government of numerous countries has developed a scheme known as the Human Resources Development (HRD) Corp fund, often known as the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF). The fundamental goal of this programme is to improve the labour force’s level of expertise, knowledge, and capacities. The primary goal of these funds is to raise the standard of human capital, increase productivity, and aid in the expansion of the economy.

Why Employers need to contribute to HRD Corp fund?

These funds are used to provide employees with training and development opportunities, allowing them to remain competitive in the labour market and relevant in their particular industries. This upskilling is helpful not just to the employees but also to their employers because it leads to increased productivity and job performance.

Employers who contribute to the HRD Corp fund may be eligible for cash incentives or tax breaks in certain conditions. This could take the form of grants, training subsidies, or tax breaks for expenses related to employee training and development initiatives.

Retaining talent necessitates employers improving employee satisfaction with their positions by providing opportunities for professional growth and development. This contributes to lower employee turnover. A workforce that receives enough training is more likely to be engaged and devoted to their organisation, both of which can help an organisation attract and retain top talent.

The development of a competent labour force is vital to a nation’s economic prosperity and long-term viability in today’s global marketplace. Businesses can help to create human capital, which is the major driver of innovation, productivity, and economic growth in the long run, by contributing to HRD Corp. funds.

Contributing to the HRD Corp fund is a great way to show your support for HRD’s social responsibility programmes. When organisations invest in the training and development of their personnel, they make a substantial contribution to the general well-being of their communities and have a positive impact on society.

Benefits of Employers registered under HRDF | HRD Corp

The Human Resources Development Corporation (HRD Corp) is a Malaysian government body that administers the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) and oversees the country’s skill development projects. Through a variety of training and development courses, HRD Corp plays an important role in aiding Malaysian firms and employees to improve their skills, knowledge, and talents.

Employers in Malaysia who register with HRD Corp have a plethora of chances to improve their human capital and contribute to the nation’s economic development. Access to training subsidies, which assist employers offset the cost of employee training, and tools for choosing training programmes that meet the specific needs of their staff are among the benefits. Furthermore, HRD Corp works closely with industry stakeholders to ensure that its training programmes are relevant to current and future labour market demands.

HRD Corp enables companies to play a more active role in creating the skills development landscape. By participating in HRD Corp’s Industry Skills Committees (ISCs), employers can have a direct impact on the creation of training programmes and industry standards. ISCs aid in the identification of skill gaps, the development of training modules, and the recommendation of solutions to meet the changing industry requirements. This collaborative model ensures that HRD Corporation’s activities remain relevant and adaptive to a constantly changing business environment.

Furthermore, HRD Corp offers a wealth of knowledge and resources to help employers navigate the various areas of human resource development. The HRD Corp website offers complete assistance to Malaysian businesses, including instructions on registering with HRD Corp and administering the HRDF levy, as well as information on the most recent government policies and initiatives.

In addition to providing financial help for training, HRD Corp underlines the importance of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of training programmes. HRD Corp’s Training Evaluation System (TES) is available to employers, and it measures the impact of training on employee performance and monitors training results. This informative feedback enables businesses to make well-informed training spending decisions and to continuously enhance their human capital development plans.

Finally, HRD Corp is an important partner for Malaysian firms looking to produce a competitive and competent workforce. HRD Corporation ultimately contributes to the nation’s economic growth by encouraging employers to invest in their employees’ growth and development. HRD Corp guarantees that Malaysian firms are agile, inventive, and well-equipped to face the challenges of an ever-changing global market by providing training grants, resources, and partnership possibilities.


Apply HRDF | HRD Corp 2023 Training Courses Using – LEVY GRANT SYSTEM

This system was implemented to implement training programmes based on the demands of the business. It also allows companies to retrain and upskill their staff in accordance with the organization’s present and future operating needs.