HRD Corp Claimable Training Courses 2023

The HRD Corp Claimable Course is a dedicated programme that was developed to assist employers in the process of retraining and upskilling their employees in line with the requirements of their operations and businesses.

A minimum of four (4) hours of funding for training that can be conducted either privately or publicly.

Other costs that can be recouped, such as:

  • Allowance for meals
  • Allowance for each day
  • Training Resources That Can Be Consumed
  • OR Vacation Packages for Hotels & Rental Spaces for Training
  • Ticket for the aeroplane or others Transportation

HRD Corp Claimable Courses, also known as the SBL-KHAS Scheme


Employers are not required to make an upfront payment for the course fee to the Registered Training Provider. Instead, the course fee will be debited from the employer’s account. This is due to the fact that all programmes that are conducted under HRD Corp Claimable Courses are required to be registered with HRD Corp. Beginning on April 1st, 2021, all training providers that are registered with HRD Corp are required to register their programmes with the HRD Corp’s Claimable Courses (Employer Circular 3/2021). Please refer to the same circular for further information regarding EXCEPTION.

Training of the Following Types* Are Offered:

  • In-House training for a minimum of 2 participants and a maximum of 40 participants can take place either on the business’s premises, in a hotel, or at an external training location.
  • Training open to the public for a minimum of 1 participant and a maximum of 9 participants.
  • Certification programme or compulsory work-based learning with no limit on the number of trainees or associated costs.
  • Job coach for a minimum of five people, with no upper limit on the number of participants.
  • Mobile learning that does not impose either a minimum or maximum requirement on the number of participants.
  • Development programme in which there is no requirement for a minimum or maximum number of participants Coaching and mentoring with no requirement for a minimum or maximum number of participants
  • E-learning, also known as online learning
  • e-Learning with a Blended Format (Hybrid)
  • Mobile learning
  • Learning done remotely or online
  • Getting involved in training


HRDF / HRD Corp Claimable Training Courses List 2023

Contact Us Today for your HRDF Claimable Courses